Choose your solution to get your product on the market in Ukraine successfully.
Keep your mind on the business and let us take care of the rest. Rebuild Ukraine

Mobile Emergency Clinic
A mobile emergency clinic - is a trailer-based hospital. They can be easily moved to the desired location and are customizable structures within the framework of their areas of expertise.
We can help with a professional setup so you get success.
Finding the right customers
It can be companies, goverment, municipalities or non-profit organizations, but there are also a lot of temptors to be bid on.
Research is key to success
Every business today, function in turbulent environments and things change drastically in a blink of an eye. To be in line with all these and to be updated, research is crucial for businesses.

Marketing is 1/3 of your success. To get it right you need local professionals to manage and expand your campaings. Today, must is digital.
In Ukraine a lot of sales is done personally. There needs to be someone to take phone calls in ukrainian. Else, you will miss out on 90% of the potential.
How to get started and be successful

To get your product marketing in to Ukraine, you must have people on the ground who speaks the language.

We have experts that can be your employee on the ground with English and Ukrainian language, that can help you moving your products.

Your company sign up for a 3 month package with possible extention that your company will have people on the ground promoting your products.

You do not need to start a company in Ukraine. We will take care of: Market research, Marketing, Sales.
Ready to get started?
Ready to get started?
Perfect for small businesses

Corporate address in Ukraine.

Design in coworking space.

Ukrainian phone number with answering machine.

All sales channels in Ukrainian (Facebook, website, etc.)
Hours on monthly basis:
- 32 hours of research
- 32 hours of marketing
- 16 hours of sales
Basic Plus
Perfect for medium businesses
€3800 /month, ex. VAT

Corporate address in Ukraine.

Design in coworking space.

Ukrainian phone number with answering machine.

All sales channels in Ukrainian (Facebook, website, etc.)

Option to add additional hours according to needs (Price not included)
Hours on monthly basis:
- 64 hours of research
- 64 hours of marketing
- 16 hours of sales
Premium Pro
Perfect for big businesses
€5000 /month, ex. VAT

Corporate address in Ukraine.

Design in coworking space.

Ukrainian phone number with answering machine.

All sales channels in Ukrainian (Facebook, website, etc.)

Custom made marketing plan.

Legal counseling setup, etc.
Hours on monthly basis:
- Hours on monthly basis after your choice
- Individual solutions provided
- Ukraine is in war and it is essentiel that foreign expertise is a part of the rebuild process to recover from the war.
- Infrastructure, build up, design is essential for the success of a new Ukraine.
- Your company can be a part of this huge business case to supply your products.
- There are billions of donations to support this process in Ukraine just waiting to be used to build up the country.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us any time. We will get back to you as soon as we can!
Advisory Board of Rebild Ukraine.

Jakob Dalhoff
[email protected]
General Director Match Office
Member of Rotary Club Lviv
MsC Finance & Accounting
Professor in Startups at
National University Lviv Polytechic

Lars Vestbjerg
[email protected]
President at Danish Business Association
Member of Rotary Club Lviv
Jakob Dalhoff and Lars Vestbjerg has decades of experience of making business in Ukraine.
They are in close contact with the Ukrainian officials to promote foreign investment in Ukraine.
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